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Sandstorm REWIND (May 2nd – May 8th)

From Monday to Friday we are hosting daily streams at 12 PM EST / 4 PM UTC on our platform!
Our goal is to feature the best metaverse builders, brands and communities in the web3 space.

Highlight of the week was a Builders show with Gamedizzy, who taught the community how to create a driveable vehicle in TheSandbox! Hope you were there to get all that ALPHA knowledge, and if you weren’t you can always check out the replay (friday 6th)! Else, with Niftyleague and TastybonesNFT, we had 2 amazing projects on the show who explained what they were about!

MONDAY May 2nd

The week started with Gamedizzy with the Gaming series! He went over our most recent announcements and shared the major news around Sandstorm for the Week! He also jumped into our social Hub to play some games w/ the community!


On Tuesday, Gamedizzy was back with a show where he provided some tips & tricks to builders while answering all the builders questions regarding Voxedit / gamemaker / anything Sandbox related!


On Wednesday, we had NiftyLeague on the show! The founders had the chance to talk about their unique Play2Earn platform and how they are planing to brin competitive gaming to web3 . We also got a first look at NiftySmashers!! Check out the VOD to learn more..

Thursday May 5th

Thursday, 5timesdistilled from tastybones talked about their food delivery service taking food from the living to return to the dead. Sounds interesting? You too can start collecting $TBONE and more..

Friday May 6th

Finally Gamedizzy was back with the Game Maker series. This time he taught our community how to make driveable vehicles in TheSandbox.
If you are a Sandbox builder, this is a MUST HAVE skill that will serve you well in your future builder career!

And that was it for the week! Thank you for reading and we wish you an amazing rest of your day!

Read more about Sandstorm
Virtual Worlds: A Simple (but complete) Guide